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Limitless Energy wins Wales' Renewable Heat Installer of the year! (And were runners up for Wales' Solar PV Installer of the year)

We couldn't be prouder of our team and are so delighted to share with you the news that we won Wales Energy Efficiency Awards and are Renewable Heat Installer of the Year for 2024.

Our solar team didn't miss out though - they also got a trip to the podium to collect their commendation for Wales' Solar PV Installer of the year.

So happy faces all round and a good excuse to see how differently we all interpreted the smart dress code advisory!

It was really a wonderful experience to compile our presentation to the judges - getting in touch with past customers and our suppliers, who all said nice things about us.

Bahar Basci, our Account Manager at Mitsubishi said: Limitless Energy are a valued Business Solutions Partner with Mitsubishi and have been installing our Ecodan Air Source Heat Pumps for several years. My time working with both Hannah and Robert have been insightful, inspirational and a joy. They truly believe in the ethos of renewable energy and are kind and thoughtful installers and I am lucky to be able to call them my customer.”

While a customer for both our heat pump and solar services, Elizabeth Jeffreys, in Brecon said:I was so pleased to discover Limitless Energy after doing extensive research to find a suitable company to install our solar panels and air source heat pump. My research started with the comprehensive information provided on their website. From our first meeting with Rob, it soon became very clear that here was a company that was committed to providing sound advice and delivering a renewable solution appropriate to our requirements and that they walked the talk. Over all three phases [of the installation] they were supportive, flexible and responded very promptly to all our questions."

Personally, Rob and I are are delighted to have been recognised for our work in renewables, especially as we are competing with huge companies picking up masses of the ECO4 funding for Wales. These are large companies doing lots of installs and we didn't think we stood a chance. But our company has a very different approach to the wellbeing of our staff and our focus on finding bespoke solutions to every individual's needs, as well as our company's voluntary contributions for climate change charity Size of Wales and a community solar project on Gower. We are so proud of our team - well done all and thank you everyone!

Energy Efficiency Awards chairman Gary Braybrooke said: This is our 10th anniversary, and we think it’s more important than ever that we continue to honour companies and individuals working in the energy efficiency industry, carrying out some of the most vital work in the UK today. The work that they do – helping people save energy, reduce bills and help the environment – is key to all our futures.”

Event organiser Kenneth Campbell said: All our winners and nominees are at the sharp end of the industry, and they thoroughly deserve the recognition they receive at our awards. In the 10 years we have been running them, the standard keeps increasing each year. Continued development and growth are essential for our industry as we navigate challenging times now, and in the immediate future.

Well done Champs!

Written by Hannah Harvey

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